Choose the scenario that best fits you:
1. You’re looking to be recruited for a new job. 2. You’re waiting to hear back on a proposal you submitted for a contract. You have all the credentials, but someone with less experience gets chosen, and you weren’t even asked for a meeting. Wondering why they would possibly be hired rather than you, you check out their LinkedIn profile. Then you see it: their stunning profile picture and an impressive write-up. In situations like these, your bio and image could quite literally be your real money maker. Read on for tips on how to perfect that portrait to engage prospects with your experience and offerings.
"Rebecca and I have worked alongside one another for 16 years. She started as my Brand manager and blossomed into her own full-service media agency @startuptosuccessmc . She suggested we bring back my newsletter, and within 10 minutes of sending out, I had an invitation for a brand collaboration and a sale! Have a listen as Rebecca she shares her “top tips”for moving your business forward through unsettling times." #AtHomeWithJen #DigitalSeries #socialtv #socialmediacorrespondent #startupforsuccess #marketingstrategy #entrepreneurlife #marketingtips #togetherathome @fityourstyle I interviewed four CEO's who exemplify what it takes to have longevity in business and weathered the last financial crisis. I asked their advice on how a business can survive COVID19...
In today's episode, Jeanine Kinzie, Co-Founder of Great Lakes Insurance & Financial Services Agency, another entrepreneur who started her business during the early 2000's economy crash, talks about being willing to make sacrifices to keep your business going and how she approached and fought through the last challenge to her business in 2014. You may even learn some things about life insurance and the opportunity that exists right now. These are the times we except imperfections as we communicate over varying internet connections and devices, there is a bit of echo in Jeanine's audio we reduced as much as we could, but I think what she has to share is well worth listening too and can be clearly heard. Learn to market like you plan to stay in business. Welcome to the second interview in this series about what it takes to have longevity in business through predictable and unforeseen crisis. I asked 4 CEO's, in business since the last financial crisis, their advice on how a business can survive COVID19...
In today's episode, Pranay Rajgarhia, Founder and CEO of SolidCircle, LLC talks about the difference between being a leader and a manager through times like these and the importance of having built the right team beforehand and why that matters. Learn to market like you plan to stay in business with the STS Marketing Academy! I have to admit I have days that I feel enslaved by social media. I have days where I am uninspired about my own brand and I just draw a blank as to what I should post on my business social media pages...and I'm a social media marketer! I can only imagine how you must feel. My excuse is usually that I don't have enough time for my own marketing because I am busy marketing for my clients, which I guess is a good problem to have, but I know better. If you are attacking your social media marketing with a day-to-day method, then it is easy to fall into this trap. We all get tired, burned out, and sometimes just don't have the creative energy that each day requires to put our message out there.
So what do we do about that? I'm an empath.
That's different than having the ability to have empathy for others. It is an every day, every minute state of being. I'm not just able to understand how someone is feeling; I actually feel it as if it's happening to me. If someone is in pain, it hurts me, and I want to take that pain away. Being an empath means I'm susceptible to unhealthy relationships and being taken advantage of, but it also means I'm kind, I experience joy when other people triumph, and I am able to make genuine connections very fast. It took many experiences both positive and negative through my adult years to realize this about myself and to come to a place where I embraced it. I had to decide that if I was truly going to live, I could no longer shield myself from the the emotions that were not so pleasant to feel, because otherwise I was just a shell of who I truly am, and the people I care about and myself would never benefit from the many positive aspects of being an empath. Being a very logical person, I had always thought that was the part of my personality that was going to get me ahead in business. It was not until I embraced my emotional strengths and let the two work together that I experienced true success. OK, so we aren't all empaths...and even using a little empathy can be scary because emotions sometimes are negative, or the connection they bring may not be something you have the energy for. So, we avoid communicating with emotion, especially at work. Many of us operate with two personas-- one for home and one for business. We stifle our true selves in professional settings, but by doing that, we also stifle creativity, happiness and true connections. What do you think? Do emotions have a place in business? In marketing? Now, what do you feel? Can you use your emotions in a positive way to be successful? |