When you are consistent in your small business marketing it yields these results:
1. SEO - Regularly posting new content in places like your website's blog or changing page content to stay up to date with what you offer and what your goals are; or posting on social media channels whose posts show up on Google (like Twitter) increases your website's search engine standing.
When thinking of ways to reach your business goals, have you ever considered hiring a content marketer? Chances are, you've heard of the importance of content creation, but what makes it a fundamental marketing tactic for the success of your brand?
According to the Pew Research Center, 28% of adults are almost always online, while 88% log on every day. To be successful, you need to reach your audience from where they are, and more than likely, they're online. Many consumers make their buying decisions while scrolling through media and articles. In fact, 61 percent of internet users in the US decided to buy a product after reading a positive blog post. Content development is the most cost-efficient marketing method. Its conversion rates are six times higher than other digital marketing methods while costing around 62% less. With a consistent approach, the benefits only compound as your website and other means of delivering your credible message to the public brings in more and more traffic. Even with stats backing its effectiveness, 63% of businesses don't have a listed content marketing plan. Are you one of these businesses? If so, there are many reasons to change your marketing approach with a content creator's help. I'm an empath.
That's different than having the ability to have empathy for others. It is an every day, every minute state of being. I'm not just able to understand how someone is feeling; I actually feel it as if it's happening to me. If someone is in pain, it hurts me, and I want to take that pain away. Being an empath means I'm susceptible to unhealthy relationships and being taken advantage of, but it also means I'm kind, I experience joy when other people triumph, and I am able to make genuine connections very fast. It took many experiences both positive and negative through my adult years to realize this about myself and to come to a place where I embraced it. I had to decide that if I was truly going to live, I could no longer shield myself from the the emotions that were not so pleasant to feel, because otherwise I was just a shell of who I truly am, and the people I care about and myself would never benefit from the many positive aspects of being an empath. Being a very logical person, I had always thought that was the part of my personality that was going to get me ahead in business. It was not until I embraced my emotional strengths and let the two work together that I experienced true success. OK, so we aren't all empaths...and even using a little empathy can be scary because emotions sometimes are negative, or the connection they bring may not be something you have the energy for. So, we avoid communicating with emotion, especially at work. Many of us operate with two personas-- one for home and one for business. We stifle our true selves in professional settings, but by doing that, we also stifle creativity, happiness and true connections. What do you think? Do emotions have a place in business? In marketing? Now, what do you feel? Can you use your emotions in a positive way to be successful? Writing, in one form or another, is instilled in every culture. So, why not use it to your professional advantage? While written content might not be the sole component of successful marketing efforts, it is a great enhancement tool and can help “seal the deal”. Professionally written content across all of your platforms can offer helpful information in a way that individuals clearly understand, thus cementing your expertise in their eyes and adding yet another layer to their trust in your company.
The following are examples of the abundant ways professional writing can be used to enhance your business presence and make it soar. Check them out, then be sure to get in touch to discuss how our professional content writing services can best serve you. |